Sports Day 2021 Highlights

Click here to view Sports Day 2021 highlights
Number Day – May 2021
On 7th May, all the children in school celebrated Number Day with NSPCC. Children dressed up in their number costumes and throughout the day engaged in different activities linked to the NSPCC web site .
Nursery clearly had fun in showing off their number knowledge and found prime spot in the middle of the school under the oak tree. These children could show us a thing or two about the joy of learning.
Year 4 enjoyed the activities so much that they said they will try to include these types of activities more often in the school day. Maths Buddy Challenge was a keen favourite – it was pitched just right – and to top it off, it had a reward at the end. The children in 4J were also pleased to beat the other year 4 classes to win the Buddy Challenge. They found ‘Buddy’ quite funny and were very pleased to win the trophy.
Year 5 loved the Millionaire Game. The teacher kept a point system which all added to the enjoyment and fun of sharing their knowledge with each other. The children said they didn’t feel like they had done any learning, but that they had still learnt so much. Year 5 also did ‘Jobs with Maths Quiz’, ‘Speedy tables’, ‘Buddy’s Key Challenge’, ‘Online Safety Quiz’, ‘Maze Adventures’ and ‘Fibonacci Numbers’.
Thank you NSPCC for providing a wonderful bank of activities. Another wonderful day in school.
Year 4 Animation Project 2020
This week, all of the year 4 children have taken part in making their class story come to life using animation; working in small groups with Reza, a professional animator for a day’s workshop.
They have written a story, made the scenes and characters and now taken 100s of photos using special computer programmes to make their animation video.
They have loved the process and had great success! Look out for their animations coming out on YouTube in the New Year. We will let you know when they are ready.
Children’s mental health and well-being
This term throughout the school, children from nursery to year 6 have been learning how to keep their mental health healthy and look after their well-being. This is especially important at this present time.
They have learnt how to use the ’emotional check-ins’ in class, which helps show their teacher and other adults how they are feeling. In their PSHE lessons they have been learning how to build resilience and how to ‘bounce back’ after disappointments or difficulties they might face. They have learnt how to be assertive and speak clearly to others if they are upset by something they have said or done, and how to create a ‘tool-box’ of ways to help their mental health. This includes talking to someone, drawing a picture to show how they are feeling, or doing mindfulness activities, such as reading or going for a walk. The children have also learnt about different feelings through a variety of stories and what they could do to help other children who are feeling sad.
Primary Science Quality Mark
Throughout last year the children and staff of Colindale Primary School, ably led by Ms Parmar and Ms Thompson, worked hard to achieve the Primary Science Quality Mark. We were awarded the Gilt Award at the end of the year and would have attended a prestigious celebration event in central London. However, due to the pandemic, this was not possible. Below is a link to a film replacing the ceremony which we have just been sent to share with our community. Well done!
Rights Respecting Schools – OUTRIGHT day – 20th November 2020
Colindale Primary gained the UNICEF Rights Respecting Silver award in June 2019. We are now on the journey towards achieving GOLD but have been rather hampered by the current situation.
As part of our journey to GOLD, the whole school took part in the OUTRIGHT campaign day on Friday 20th November, which was also ‘World Children’s Day’. This day is the anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The campaign theme for 2020/2021 is Climate Change and how it will affect children in the future.
Classes discussed the information they saw in the videos and power-points and carried out a range of related activities, such as linking the UNICEF articles to climate change; making posters about how we can alter our behaviour to help stop climate change; and writing to people in government to let them know our views. You can see some of the work in the photograph above.
Black History Month October 2020
This year, for Black History Month we used a film about the ‘Empire Windrush’ as a stimulus for the children to explore an important aspect of the history of black people within Britain. The ‘Empire Windrush’ was a ship that brought workers to Britain in 1948, from countries such as Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and other islands. From the film, the children heard the story of a mother and son who travelled on the ship and heard about their experiences on the journey and after they reached Britain. Each year group explored the ideas from the film through role play and discussion. They then recorded the thoughts and feelings of the ship’s passengers in different ways: through poems, news reports, letters and speech bubbles.
Harvest Festival 2020
Every year during Harvest festival, we at Colindale Primary school collect food and other essential items for Colindale Foodbank. This is our local foodbank and is open for those who are in need every Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm to 2.30pm. It is based in Trinity Church, Northwest Centre, Avion Crescent, Grahame Park Way, NW9 5QY and has over many years served the local community well.
This year, due to the pandemic, there has been greater need in the community for food and other types of groceries, and in response to this the children and families of Colindale Primary school were even more generous than usual. In total we managed to collect an incredible 1,105 items!! This is an average of 40 items per class. Well done!
When the volunteer from the foodbank came to collect the contributions, he was amazed and very grateful. ‘The foodbank is almost empty at the moment and your school have manged to collect the exact items that families badly need and so many. Thank you very much!’
This is a great achievement.
Thank you for your enormous generosity.
Displays of children’s work – Autumn Term 2020
Since September, the children of Colindale Primary School have been working very hard, doing their best to catch-up with their learning lost in recent months. As usual we have displayed some of their work around the school and in classrooms, so it can be appreciated and celebrated. As parents and carers cannot come into school to see the displays at the moment, we thought we would share some on our website. We hope you enjoy!