In our school, we have an absolute commitment to inclusion and the belief that all children have the right to access the school curriculum whatever their needs and abilities.
We are proud of our outstanding provision for our physically disabled pupils and pupils with special educational needs, which has been recognised with the awarding of the Inclusion Quality Mark.
Our SEND Team
SENDCo – Special Educational Needs & Disability Coordinator – Elaine French
HLTA – Higher Level Teaching Assistant for SEND – Chanushka Perera
SEND TAs – A team of special educational needs and disability Teaching Assistants
SEND Policy
To read our Special Educational Needs policy please click here.
SEND Information Report
To read our SEND Information Report please click here.
Local Offer
Barnet’s Local Offer gives children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families’ information about education, health and care services, leisure activities and support groups in their local area. Click here for a link to the webpage.
Support in the Classroom
Some of our children may experience difficulties which affect their learning. These difficulties may be short term, or they may require longer-term interventions. At Colindale Primary School we recognise that changing how we teach, using specialist resources or adapting the environment, can all have a positive impact on a child achieving their potential.
We have produced a booklet called Supporting children with SEND at Colindale Primary School that describes some of the reasons why a child’s learning may be affected and practical solutions that can easily be implemented. Click here to see a copy.
Resourced Based Provision
At Colindale Primary School we have an additional provision for children with disabilities. This is known as our Resource Based Provision (ARP).
In our brochure, we explain what the Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) is and how it works in Colindale School.
Please click here to view the brochure.
Working with children with physical disabilities
In this booklet we outline the important things to know when supporting children with physical disabilities, taking away some of the mystery about equipment and everyday practice in school.
Please click here to view the booklet.
Shared Goals Meetings
For any child at Colindale School who has an EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) there is a meeting once a term to review their needs and to set targets. These are targets that all professionals and parents can work on together in their individual settings.
People involved in the meetings include:
· parents
· class teacher
· special needs assistant
· speech therapist
· physiotherapist
· occupational therapist
We use a form called All About Me which outlines all of the child’s needs and is based on the four areas of need as outlined in the Code of Practice as follows:
1. Physical and Sensory Needs
2. Cognition and Learning
3. Language and Communication
4. Emotional and Mental Health
Parents and professionals will discuss and assess all the areas and decide on new targets.
Please note: a child may have a Shared Goals meeting even before they have been issued an EHCP, as we recognise the need for a shared commitment to their welfare. Click here for an example of the All About Me form.
Pupil Progress Meetings
There are other children at Colindale who require interventions or additional support. Once a term, the class teacher meets with the SENDCo to review what is being provided in class and if necessary to arrange for interventions to take place.
Interventions include:
· extra reading
· extra maths
· phonic groups
· play therapy
· lunchtime social club
· mentoring
· co-ordination skills
· sensory room – limited shared use with Acorn Nursery
· soft play – limited shared use with Acorn Nursery
Local Events for Parents
There are often events held locally for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities. We signpost parents to these via WEDUC.